• Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Iowa State University, 2019. Advisors: Hailiang Liu, Songting Luo.
Thesis: Efficient discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for time-dependent fourth order problems.• M.S. in Computational Mathematics, Xiangtan University, 2013. Advisors: Yunqing Huang, Hailiang Liu.
Thesis: On efficient numerical algorithms for solving the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation.Employment
• Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Texas at El Paso, 2023.09-current.
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2021.11-2023.08.
• Research Assistant Professor (Research-track), Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Kansas Medical Center, 2021.07-2021.10.
• Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 2019.08-2021.07.
• Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation for Postgraduate (PI) CX2012B272, 2012-2013.
Honors and Awards
• 2024, Top Downloaded Article, WILEY.
• 2021, Postdoctoral Trainee Research Award, Wayne State University. [Link]
• 2019, Mario Gutierrez Award, Iowa State University.
• 2017, Wolfe Research Fellowship, Iowa State University. [Link]
• 2009, The 6th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, Beijing, China.
Professional Services (no longer update)
• Referee for Journals (Total number of 14 journals / 22 papers / 38 reviews):
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - (1 paper / 2 reviews)
- Journal of Scientific Computing - (3 papers / 5 reviews)
- Applied Numerical Mathematics - (1 paper / 2 reviews)
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN) - (1 paper / 1 review)
- International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling - (1 paper / 1 review)
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - (2 papers / 4 reviews)
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications - (2 papers / 2 reviews)
- Numerical Algorithms - (2 papers / 3 reviews)
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation - (1 paper / 2 reviews)
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing - (1 paper / 2 reviews)
- Computational and Applied Mathematics - (2 papers / 3 reviews)
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics - (3 papers / 8 reviews)
- Waves in Random and Complex Media - (1 paper / 2 reviews)
- ICCS2020 - (1 paper / 1 review)
• Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet Reviewer.